Bleeding during 1st trimester
I’m currently about 6 weeks pregnant. Had pink spotting this morning when I went to pee. Then during noon time, had abit of red/brown bleeding. Should I go to A&E? Do I need to be hospitalized?

Yes you should, asap! I was in similar situation as you before and turned out I had a threatened miscarriage! To err on the side on caution, the only time you want to see blood during your pregnancy is on your due date. Anything else is not a good sign.
You should definitely go to the A&E if there is bleeding / red blood. We went to SGH and they had a gynae perform an internal check and ultrasound scan. The gynae also prescribed duphaston / progesterone.
go see a gynae for some medication to stop the bleeding. Hospital a&e won't admit you unless you're severely dehydrated from vomiting