I’m ard 5 to 6 weeeks pregnant.. having a small bleed/spotting. Went to see my gynae, she says it’s common during first trimester... anyone know how to stop the bleed/spotting as it’s making me more worried ?

i had spotting too early few weeks in the pregnancy . went to doctor and was referred to kkh. did check and was diagnosed with ectopic too (december 2019). However, mine was still small and doctor gave me 2 option - injection or surgery. i chose injection. my dream of becoming a mother still awaits me. 😥
Read moreHi .... I went for scanning and they found out that I’ve ectopic pregnancy .... since baby is already 5cm with heartbeat ... I have to go thru key hole surgery to remove my right tube ... do check with your gynae ! Hope everything goes well for uuu ...
hi sis! how are u and the bby?im currently 6wks preggy and bleeding went to kkh but the doc didn't knw wt the cause only say can see the bby tissue.Quite worried as it was a fresh blood.and last for 2 dys
Hello. What happened after that? I had the same issue too and so worried right now.
Yes, it's common during the 1st trimester. It's the implatation bleeding where the fertilized egg implants on the lining of your uterus . It will go away so don't worry.
Implantation bleeding is more like lightly stained dark brown or dark pink. If i were u, i will make appt to see gynae soon. I will take a pic and show gynae the colour of the bleeding/ spotting.
Sis how are you know? Bleeding stopped? I am also experiencing spotting same period very worried
yes its common but if the bleeding keeps coming more n more better go hospital straight away.
my doc say its normal and ask me don't worry.
Did your gynae do a scan?
I had bleeding when i was 5 weeks plus too. Went in for a scan & the dr saw blood clots in my womb. Was given progesterone jab and few weeks later, came back for another scan and the blood clot is gone. 18 weeks now :) hope everything will go smoothly for you.
Dreaming of becoming a parent