confuse edd
Im abit confuse with my latest scan. Im suppose to be 29 weeks that previous week when i went for scan... n edd from 1st aug to 3rd aug n now im seeing a 13 aug? .. now this is my latest results ... can someone advise for many weeks am i and whats my edd? Gynae didnt say anything. She just said everything is good and baby is not on the small side nor on the big side. Thank you.

It's normal to forget to ask or only noticing the details after the appointment! I would say just go with the original edd that was given. The biometric measurements are just estimations and it can give another edd based on that, it happened for my scans but I didn't read too much into it. If your gynae said everything is normal and on track, can just ignore whatever is on the ultrasound.
Read moreMine used to be the same cos i think the scan will adjust the dates according to the size of the baby.. nuthing to worry abt.. just follow the original edd ur gynae gave u. Baby will arrive when he/she’s ready
My EDD changed with every gynae visit on my 9th 12th, 15th and 20th week scan. It keeps getting earlier by 2 weeks! They used the one during 20th scan. But end of the day if baby is healthy it's fine!
edd will be different by few days. even the said edd, some doctor will advise patients that delivery will be 1 or 2 week early or later
The earliest scan is usually the most accurate. EDD oftentimes change due to baby’s fast or slow growth rate.
your edd will still be the same edd that gynae informed you at the beginning..
U shud ask the gynae or doc for ur EDD.. Not by looking at it..
Yes2.. What more important is u and baby is healthy.. 😊