average BM from pumping exclusively

I'm on 4th week postpartum, currently pumping every 2-3 hourly. total pump each time is about 100mls and baby is taking 80mls now. I'm worried it will soon be insufficient. not sure should I be worried and if 100mls for each pump session is considered low supply? each pump I try to pump 20 mins but I realised usually after the first 10 mins not much coming out. continued for another 10 mins as I heard this helps to stimulate and produce more. but have been doing so since a week ago but amount still the same. sometimes end of the day only able to get 70-80mls per pump. am aware there's no average as it varies for each person but how much do mummies get from each pump? TIA!

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I read that supply peaks at 6 weeks, so there may be some more room for increase. Drink more water , and continue to pump regularly. I think I was pumping around 120ml at week 5. Now at 3 months, I get around 170-180ml every 3 hrs,but that's with drinking plenty of water. One full mug after each pump, and plenty in between too since I get thirsty often. Oh, and I'm using handsfree wearable pumps coz for some odd reason, my yield from the spectra s1 pump simply wasn't much. I went from 60ml on one side to 90ml when I switched to handsfree pump. I vaguely suspect that it might be coz I can't see how much I'm getting with the handsfree pumps, so I'm less stressed about the output and can actually produce more.

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