Fetal movements
I’m 34weeks pregnant, is it normal for baby to start moving lesser? She still moves but just not as much as before

I'm reaching 33 weeks. At certain time of the day, i also feel less movement. I will eat savory food like chocolate or not so cold drinks at night to simulate the movements. Can also play some music before going to bed. It works for me as i will feel stronger and more movements after doing them.
Think as long as you can feel baby's movement on a daily basis, shouldnt be a problem. Else u can consult ur doctor if u are really concerned.
I'm at 31 weeks now, I tink after meals they tends to move more. U can try to relax after meals and see if u can get 10 counts of movements.
Yes for me too. But there are specific times of the day where it will move a lottttttt. Besides that very very little movements felt.
Best to consult your gynaecologist...