Any Older Mums Above 40 Here?

I'm 2nd time mum above 40 with a surprise baby. Anyone else here give birth after 40? Do you worry about your kid future as in like we will be 60 when child only teens etc...i can't help but keep having these thoughts. For me it's all over again as my 1st already 11. Maybe I'm still mentally unprepared and worried for what lies ahead.

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Im not 40 yet but advanced age enough for gynae to do lots of tests. I feel you. But nowadays there are advanced mothers out there also, it’s getting more common. Don’t worry so much, treat it as last pregnancy and enjoy the moment

5y ago

As a mother, it’s always a lifetime worry liao. No need to add unneccesary more. Keep positive thinking and feel blessed. I feel my current pregnancy will also be my last, so I join prenatal yoga lah, prenatal pilates lah and just enjoy whatever privilege a pregnant woman can have, e.g. people giving me seats on MRT willingly, harhar

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