Fetal weight slightly big.

I’m 19 weeks and just went for my detailed scan. Doctor mentioned baby weight is slightly above average. She did say there’s nothing to worry. But, any advices to maintain fetal weight? I would love to deliver naturally if possible.

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dont worry too much and jus eat what u feel like eating. at my 20weeks scan doc say my baby is above average and it is measured big... i was so worried but i just eat whatever i want... on my 24 weeks, doc say baby is weighing at 900g which is normal size... hahaha so dont worry too much

3y ago

Hi! Oh ur doc said 900g is normal at week 24?my doc seemed shocked when he saw 900g and say baby stomach rather big.. >< what's ur baby weight now? :)

Don't worry! At 20 weeks I rmb I ate durians cos it was the season and baby flew to 90th percentile.. But last week's scan at week 29 baby went down to approx 50th percentile cos durians not cheap anymore 😂 I guess just have a healthy diet and all will be good!

4y ago

Pregnancy is hard enough, don't put unnecessary stress but yes at the same time don't let yourself go all the way also 😛 moderation is key!

Don’t worry too much! My baby is way above too! Certified as big baby and planning to C-Sec till my water bag burst the night before the procedure! I delivered naturally with help of epidural 😄

VIP Member

Control food intake. Other than those sugary stuffs, carbohydrates also adds on fast.. do exercises when possible

VIP Member

Watch your food intake .. eat less quantity and multiple times does not cause gain weight for ur or ur baby

can I ask the Weight of ur bb? mine was above average too at 400gram at 20 weeks

4y ago

Sorry I don’t know, I didn’t ask. 😅 Gynae showed us a graph and the dot was just above the average line.