Is it safe to drink a medium mocha frappe from McDonald’s during second trimester?
I’m 19 weeks pregnant now.. just craving for it so bad!

Drink in moderation yeah. I was drinking Fanta strawberry and iced coffee everyday for my second pregnancy during 1st trimester to 2nd cos those were the only drinks I could swallow and yeah failed my OGTT but changed my diet towards the 3rd tri. My baby born healthy, no diabetes or other ailments just jaundice. This pregnancy I am more soya bean, iced water, milk, carrot juice, apple juice, fruits. Still failed OGTT at 16wks, maybe too much carb diet. I'm 40 btw with 3rd child. So it also has got to do with age they say. Maybe if u can stick to drinking it once or once a fortnight if u really crave, then should be fine. Unless u have other sweet cravings then be very mindful of ur diet too k.
Read moreNope. I’ve been very cautious with my diet, thinking of all the people I won’t hv GDM. 2 weeks ago, apart from milk & plain water, all I hv was ice Milo on 3 occasions & I failed my GTT by 0.2! It’s just not worth the risk.. trust me.
My favourite drink and I’ve been drinking since my first trimester with my firstborn. 12 weeks pregnant with my 3rd now and still drinking it weekly.
Yup! But if your OGTT is coming up, better to abstain and have it as a reward on the day itself. :)
it should be fine if you drink in moderation
my craving is dark mocha frap from starbucks
Drink in moderation yeah 😀