Soft belly
Hi I’m at 15 weeks. Some days my belly looks big some days almost flat. I have belly prior to pregnancy and up to now it’s still feel soft and flabby instead of hard. Is it normal?

Still quite early into your pregnancy and the bump also take awhile to show especially when it is your first baby since our tum tum are not streched yet! Take care and hope you have a smooth pregnancy journey!
Hi I think it’s fine , due to gastric some people feels hard belly .. now u don’t see much belly as u r still in 4th month .. so no need to worry about it
It’s normal..your belly sometimes get bloated so u may feel like that…I felt like that during my whole pregnancy journey
Same here! Im at 14w but on days im bloated it’s like a 4months size but when I’m not it looks just like a food belly!
It's normal and everyone's bump is different. Don't stress over it 😊 I didn't start showing until like 20 weeks

Yes, i only started showing in week 20 but that was to myself. It gets rounder and firmer after that.
Yes it’s very normal