If I fever can I still breastfeed? 37.4degree consider fever?

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37.4 may not be considered as fever, unless you are feeling symptoms of flu/cold such as body aches etc... it may means your body is falling ill soon. yes.. u can still breastfeed as your body is creating antibodies to help fight the germs and these antibodies are essentially benefiting to your LO. same goes to should your LO be ill... as a breastfeeding mom, you will produce antibodies that helps your LO gets better. Breast milk is so magical!

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37.4C isn't considered a fever, but yes, you can still breastfeed if you have one. You can take the normal Panadol that has only paracetamol (500mg) to bring your fever down. If you do have a cold, wear mask to reduce chances of the little one catching what you have. Besides, you're producing antibodies that will help the baby be more resistant to what you're having, when you breast feed them while not feeling well.

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Can still breastfeed when u r having fever cos before you have fever, your body is already producing anti bodies which is taken in by your lo. In fact, this is already a immunity for yr lo. It's not something bad. Don't worry. Moreover, 37.4 isn't fever.

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when we are sick, its best to breastfeed as our bm will be full of antibodies that is super good for baby.

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Yup:) just remember to wear a mask or don't breath near ur LO's face, so he won't get infected by you.

aside for taking medicine, what other treatment for a bf mother with 37.5C with body pain?

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Yes you should breastfeed your baby. And hope you get well soon. Tk cr.