Relatch 3 month old
Any idea how to relatch a 3 month old baby? I have been pumping and bottle feeding for the past 2 months. Recently, tried to latch back after he is rejecting and cried murder.

Babies don't like it much if you change their feeding patterns. So it is understandable that the switch was not particularly well-received. To relatch the baby, there are a few things you can try. 1) Switching midway - some mums have been successful when they initiate using a bottle and then offer the nipple. 2) Skin-to-skin contact - as your baby has been on breastmilk, he should be familiar with its smell. Give plenty of skin-to-skin time, ideally before the feeds so that when he is hungry, he may naturally seek the breast. 3) avoid pacifiers - Temporarily wean the baby off the pacifiers as it is similar in texture to the nipple of the bottle 4) Try feeding a sleepy baby - A sleepy baby might take the nipple and continue. As your baby is young, it should be a tad bit easier to relatch. Just be patient and continue trying. Hope this helps.
Read moreI was an EP mum in the beginning cause it was difficult to latch my baby. I’m still bottle feeding now. Transitioning from bottle feeding back to latching is tougher than I thought, I am still trying. But what worked for me was I latch mostly at night or when she’s going to bed so she’s not eager for her milk. Other times when she’s hungry she will cry murder so latching doesn’t work. If you still have trouble, you may wish to consider seeing a lactation consultant? That may be helpful for you too.
Read moreA friend tried nipple shield, worked for her.