I am worried i might not have enough breastmilk for my baby, but also worried that if i take from donating mummies we do not know how safe is the milk. My friend suggest that i feed goat milk to my newborn if i do not have enough milk. Does anyone here do the same? As in feeding your bb goatmilk?

Yes i fed goats milk. Fresh goats milk is the best and closest to bm. It maybe a little more tedious, goats milk need to be refrigerated properly. Then after warmed up. Also they cost as much as formula. Well at least for me, when i did my calculations it came up to about the same amount. You can get it delivered to your home from the farm or you can purchase it at prime supermarket. There is also chocolate flavour. Well my lo always took the normal milk. Here is the link below for pricing etc Hay Dairies | Goat Milk: Nature Next Best Thing to Mother's Milk https://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.haydairies.com.sg/our-product/home-delivery-service/&ved=0ahUKEwjovvjY5LbOAhXIPY8KHYpgBO0QFggxMAE&usg=AFQjCNE_Vn407qG3UngWbp_F8W4nQFpuKw&sig2=5MhTbs35Gf9o5VTkRUYf3A
Read moreHi! Just read in your reply to Roshni that you are currently pregnant. I would say don't think too much about it first as every pregnancy is different. Stress could contribute to low supply while a positive mindset, balanced diet, adequate fluid consumption and rest would help with building a good supply. :) Keep an open mind in the meantime. According to this article (http://kellymom.com/nutrition/milk/milk-supplements/#goat), fresh goat milk is not recommended for babies below 6 months of age (or even between 6 to 12 months).
Read moreIf I'm not mistaken, it is best to keep to breast milk or formula for at least the first six months of baby's life. I have a friend who tried Goat Milk follow on formula but that is after her baby is older than 8 months old. Maybe you can check with the manufacturer or your doctor for some input on this.
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Are you currently pregnant? Don't write yourself off that you won't have plenty of supply. For all you know, you may be an oversupply mum!
Hi hi, yes am 33 weeks pregnant, i have this concern as this is my second bb, as for my first i did not have that plenty and i have to be in half breastmik & half formular.