Yankee Candle
I am wondering if Yankee Candles are safe? cos I have been using it every night all through out my pregnancy. ???

I’ve been using yankee candle to clear the odor from leaving my window closed the whole day. Only switched it on for max 30 minutes. But i heard that even if not preg, it’s not good to switch it on throughout the whole night (i’m using electric one)
You can use it but not to let it burn throughout the day or night. And it shouldn’t be in an enclosed area. It can damage your brain and lungs for prolonged period. If can be burned for 4 hours and allow the smell to diffuse out.
I’m not sure if it’s safe. You can check with ur gynae. But if u don’t feel good bout it, you can stop using it from now on.
Did u check with the Sales staff on this? Best to avoid it from now onwards, if I were u.
I didn’t read up on this. Since it happen, try not to think about it anymore ?
Is better check with them or ur gynae. If u r dou t better stop using