Blocked nose at week 16
I am at my week 16 now and I’m getting blocked nose on one side constantly and I am constantly feeling like I cannot breathe, don’t have enough oxygen + it’s affecting my sleep. I’ve seen my gynae and was told I only can eat zyrtec 😢 any mums experience this at week16 where your nose is blocked??? Pls share remedies 😭😭😭

Hey mama, I totally understand how frustrating it can be to deal with a blocked nose during pregnancy, especially when it affects your sleep and makes you feel like you're not getting enough oxygen. It's great that you've already seen your gynae, but I also understand your disappointment with the suggested remedy. First off, it's important to stay hydrated as it can help to thin out the mucus causing the congestion. You can also try using a humidifier in your bedroom to add moisture to the air, which can help to clear up your nasal passages. Saline nasal sprays can also provide relief and are safe to use during pregnancy. Another natural remedy is to do steam inhalation - just boil some water, pour it into a bowl, and then lean over the bowl with a towel over your head to trap the steam. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before trying any new remedies, just to be safe. I hope these tips help you find some relief and get a better night's sleep. Hang in there, mama! You're doing great.
Read moreSadly, this doesn’t only happened at week 16. It happens for other weeks too 🥲 I have blocked nose and fall sick at least once every month. It’s really hard to breath and sleep. I went to consult doctor and got prescribe pregnancy safe medication. Doctor said can only drink more water and rest more as pregnancy causes our immune system to be weaker. It’s normal to recover slower than others. What I do is to drink warm to hot water, walk around so I can breathe better, sleep in a sitting position in order to let my body rest. You can consider getting influenza vaccine which my gynae did recommend.
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I had constant blocked nose too in my 1st trimester. The doctor prescribed nasal spray which can be used at most 3 days in a row before taking a break and resuming. Miraculously my nose suddenly cleared up by 18-20 weeks.
My doctor prescribed Nazolin nasal spray to ease the congested nose. But you have to watch the usage, no more than 3-5 days of continuous use.
Keep blowing your nose and try to lie elevated to sleep. Mine went away after a few weeks with no medication.