I used to have problem latching my baby since birth so I have only done direct latching until she is abt 2 weeks old. Thereafter, I pump and bottle feed. I still can keep up w my LO demand during confinement month but after confinement I do not have much time to pump hence my pumping schedules reduced by half. I used to pump 6-7 times a day and became only 3-4times a day and hence my supply dropped drastically. Recently I tried to direct latch my baby again and this round it was successful..she don't fuss anymore and can suckle well. She's 8 weeks old now...I latch her for 15mins until she unlatch and she can last avg 2.5hours until nxt feed. However I noticed that her pee output has reduced. Previously her diaper can be very full when I change her 3 hourly. I direct latch her the whole day yesterday and sometimes 6 hours later, her diaper still not wet but she did poo. Does this means she is not drinking enough?? I'm quite concern.

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From what I’ve read, babies older than 6 weeks should wet at least 4-5 disposable diapers every 24 hours. Their urine should be pale and mild smelling. The frequency is likely lower than when he/she was a newborn as his/her bladder would develop with time and has the ability to hold more urine. Therefore, while the frequency may decrease, the diapers should be wetter (or reasonably wet). Some signs which suggest that your baby is getting enough breast milk would include: - Adequate weight gain - Your breast should feel softer (or empty) after the feeding - Baby seemed contented after feeding - Baby is generally alert and active, and meeting his/her development milestones For more information, you can refer to this article: http://kellymom.com/ages/older-infant/enoughmilk-older/

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