I took a pregnancy test and came out positive, but the ultrasound does not show any implantation. What do I do?

Please insist on blood test for HCG. I had similar case. I was positive I was pregnant, 6 test kits, all clearly positive. But when I went to the gynae's, there was no heartbeat and doctor couldn't see anything. He took my bloodtest for HCG and arranged for another the next week. By right, if I am pregnant, my HCG levels would have increase. 2 days before the next blood test, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I thought I could sleep it off but I ended up calling everyone to come back home and safe me. Long story short, I had etopic and lost 2.5l of blood internally. The surgeon told me the next day that if I had insisted on ignoring the pain or if I had got in surgery any later, I could have basically bled to death.
Read moreIt usually takes about 6 weeks for anything to even show up on the ultrasound scan. It may be too early to tell. Give yourself a few more weeks and try again. http://www.babycenter.com/400_can-an-transvaginal-ultrasound-miss-a-pregnancy-if-youre-onl_8121798_284.bc
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Today third time blood test HCG n the result increasing 800-1490-2400 every 48 hrs but still can't see baby nor ectopic
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