I think I'm losing it. My baby is 2 weeks old and I am standing at the window crying together with her. It's so hard. I look at her and I love her but it's really hard. She wakes up ever hour crying and I just don't know what to do.

Hi there mama, Being a new mom can sometimes be so overwhelming, especially when your on you own most of the time. What i did with my eldest when he was just a new born when he cries and I’ve tried everything change diaper , feed him, etch but nothing seems to work, Then i remember A friend of mine told me sometimes baby are more comfortable with some sounds than having a quiet surroundings when they sleep… and what i found out was my baby can sleep better when a electric fan is on… Its the sounds the soothes him . Its funny because im like that too now … i cant sleep without the fan on regardless if its winter or summer ( we have air conditioning during summer) but its the sounds of electric fan that make us sleep better at least for my eldest child And me :) Maybe it can help you too, It doesn’t has to be electric fan maybe some other soothing sounds you can search up on you tube, maybe sounds of rain, etch. Goodluck and take it easy . :)
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