I think I'm losing it. My baby is 2 weeks old and I am standing at the window crying together with her. It's so hard. I look at her and I love her but it's really hard. She wakes up ever hour crying and I just don't know what to do.

Hi Mummy! hang on!!! im a first time mum myself. i had exactly that same thing happening - hourly feeding and all crying - when my baby was 1week old. it turns out that i wasnt feeding her enough. then this reoccur AGAIN at 3rd/4th week! Crazy hourly , forever crying, feed and still cries., other mummies then advise me it could be growth spurt. that was like hell for me. wondering what did i do wrong... she cried until face red and so pitiful. mummy, do you have anyone else to share the caretaking duties with you? even if for a short while, 15min, 30min, if possible, do ask for help to get short rest to recharge yourself. at night, i do side latching to save my sanity and no need to keep walking to and fro to get baby and feed her. hubby and i also lack experience since first time parents. i dont have confinement lady to help & thankful i have my mum to help. Mummy, your baby NEEDS you. this journey is TOUGH but you CAN MAKE IT!!! this is on the job learning, there's no right or wrong. Have faith in yourself! We have endure the 9~10months pregnancy stage and finally delivery. Now the angel is in your hands!!! Please believe in yourself as a mummy!
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