I think I'm losing it. My baby is 2 weeks old and I am standing at the window crying together with her. It's so hard. I look at her and I love her but it's really hard. She wakes up ever hour crying and I just don't know what to do.
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Thank you mummies for your replies! I am alone in this....husband travels alot for work and he's also very stressed up at work so I don't wanna add on to his stress. I don't really have people to help me. My mil can't help cos she's working and my mum's health is not that good so she can't come over and help all the time. I'm pretty much on my own. We can't really afford a confinement nanny too. They are so ex! Sigh. Im super sleep deprived and it's really hard. But I am heartened to read the replies here and know that I am not alone.
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