I think I'm losing it. My baby is 2 weeks old and I am standing at the window crying together with her. It's so hard. I look at her and I love her but it's really hard. She wakes up ever hour crying and I just don't know what to do.

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From your post I gather you are a new mom. Do you have any family members or friends who can help you out? Even if it is just for a few hours? All they need to do is watch over baby and give expressed BM (if you have any) or just give formula for a feed or two while you catch up on sleep. Wash the bottles, fold laundry if baby is sleeping. If you do not have a confinement nanny, please think of getting one. If you have financial issues, try asking family for help. Or tell the nanny that you'll pay her in instalments. Some of them are open to this. Eat chocolate. If you are comfortable, please let us know where you live. Some of us may be able to help you out. Hang in there ok? This phase will pass. It will seem that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But there is. Some tunnels are just longer. Or so it seems.....

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