After 36 weeks
Can I skip appointment after 36 weeks or is it necessary to still go for it? What do they still have to check after that weeks? Pls advise🙏

I would suggest going. Besides those tests mentioned, your gynae will also check your amniotic fluid level and if baby is in any form of distress. Plus it'll be helpful to monitor your vitals. I have a friend who delivered before EDD as the amniotic level was too low at late pregnancy and it wasn't sufficient for her baby to stay in till EDD. She wouldn't have known without the ultrasound during check up.
Read morePlease continue visiting your gynae! There's a reason why they schedule more appointments nearer to your due date! This is to ensure no abrupt changes. Also, you may be feeling fine but smtg may have gone wrong inside your body which you may not be able to detect (that's what happened to a mummy I heard)
Read moreI recommend going. Doctor checks baby’s heart beat/heart rate to ensure it’s good, also checks your tummy for estimated baby’s size to ensure baby’s growing normally. After 37 weeks, if you exhibit symptoms, doctor also does a check of the cervix to see if you are dilated.
Actually its best to go.. i found out i have low lying placenta at 36 weeks..! But lucky me it went back up by the 38 weeks.. its best to keep track of the growth
Better to go. They will still check heartbeat.. protein in urine.. cervix check.. anything cud happen.. so better to go
Important as they will check for dilation or anything wrong with the water bag.
I skipped cuz i was able to detect baby's movements etc
Try not to skip any appointment...
Try not skipping
It's impt to go