Anyone has Placenta Posterior Low?
I saw my result that I have placenta posterior low. Dr didn’t mention anything on my 17 wk now. Anyone has the same situation before? And have u know ur baby gender when u having placenta posterior low?

Placenta Posterior Low meaning your placenta position is at the back and is on the low side. You should avoid sexual intercourse, carry heavy thing, strenuous exercise. Don’t worry too much for now, it will likely move up as you progress with your pregnancy. That is what happen to me. And position of the placenta cannot determine baby gender; that being said, it is common for woman to carry a boy when their has placenta posterior low. But suggest to wait for the detailed scan in trimester 2 to determine the gender of your baby. Take good care and God bless tot and baby!
Read moreI have low lying placenta at first too, then ultimately become anterior placenta which means it moved to the front of the womb. Not much of an issue except that you will have difficulties with maternity insurance which I did not managed to get this approved even with gynae’s letter.
I had it . but it came up during third trimester. Doctor asked me not to have sex and not to lift heavy stuff.
I do have low lying placenta at first trimester but then after a while it will come up. Avoid sex