I am a SAHM of two boys who are both very needy, one 18 months and one 5 months old. My Husband is a very hands on daddy who helps whenever he can. I don't enough sleep as I have to cook, clean and pump. Sometimes I only go to sleep at 3am in the morning, latch half asleep and wake up with a foul mood at 8am. My 18mo Son is not talking. He can only say didi. Knows how to say mama and dada but doesn't exactly call us. I would say he is a smart boy because he can listen and understand instruction very well. When he wants certain things he will point or direct us to it. What is driving me crazy and his constant screams. He is very wary of strangers. He will not let someone else carry him except grandparents and us so basically he screams at everyone else. He screams want he wants something, he screams when he doesn't. He screams during meal time and sometimes I can't seem to find a reason to his screaming. I have tried talking to him nicely but he never listens. Most of the time, out of rage and frustration I hit and raise my voice at him. Sometimes to keep my cool I make him stand at a corner. I have become very irritable and angry person. Sometimes I hate him and wished I didn't gave birth to him. Then when he sleeps, I burst into tears for thinking that way, and regretted my actions towards him. But the next day is exactly the same. I don't want him to hate me. I am not sure if I am going into depression. Please tell me what to do.

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