how to enjoy mommy life...

Am i the only one who still struggle to put my little boy sleep even he going to be 5 month soon??? He dont want to sleep on my shoulder.. Even u hug him.. He will sleep if u give his pucifier or after he finish his milk.. Is it normal.. N he still cannot move one without his pucifier.. Really regret giving him pucifier.. Why so stressful?? How to enjoy every moment with him..?? Like what i see other mommy with their baby.. #iwantthebestforhim

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Hi mommy. Pacifier tak salah pun. Your boy nak comfort sucking to fall asleep. Just cabut masa dia mamai. Can visit fb/ig babylanguage. I learn a lot from them.

sy bgi dia main sampai penat n mengantuk, biar dia main dgn peluh².. da nmpk dia gosok² mata, sy akan mandikan dia.. lepastu dia akan tidur dgn sendiri..

Since you already practice putting pacifier it's difficult for them to stop. unless they stop by themselves.. you have to wait for it .

3y ago

sama la pon e rase yg sama..bile ank sy lbh mudah tido dlm buai.. xmcm ank kawan sy yg letak je kepala tido da sendiri..tanpa perlu Dodoi atau sebaliknya.. xpe.... cara Kite..ank Kite..x dinafikan..akn ade sesuatu yg kurang ..Kite ni ibu yg xsempurna tp Kite usaha menyempurnakan UTK ank Kite.. bahagia cara Kite sis..setiap yg bermula akn berakhir .satu masa nanti ank sis km berhnti puting tu.. dan jgn suke banding2 kan hidup Kite dgn org .. tu la yg akan buat Kite xbahgia.. tp apa org nasihat tu Kite dgr..yg mana baik,amik pakai..mana x, biar kan berlalu pergi... faham sis..mule2 dlu stress juga.. LPS tu, pujuk hati sendiri ...

Don't worried since he is only turning 5months, I only weaned my child from pacifier after 13months old. They will get better, hang on there mummy!

Just do your best for your baby. Dont look what other mommy can do. But look what we can do for our baby. Your baby is yours not others.

Go with The flow. If he want paci And then sleep it will be good For you too. After dah nyenyak tido you can take The paci away.

just wait for it

xde stress pun
