Working while 6 week pregnant

I am only 6 weeks pregnant and having terrible sickness and nausea throughout the day. In addition, I am suffering from excess saliva production so I have the need to spit constantly. All these is bringing inconvenience to me while I work. I work in a lab setting so it's really affecting my job. I can't be taking leave till I finish 1st trimester. What can I do to help me get through this phase? I'm actually very sad and cry constantly

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Super Mum

Firstly congratulations :) it’s m quite common and usually goes away by the 1st trimester. Best is to speak to your doctor about your discomforts.As he can prescribe something for the nausea. Meanwhile you could also try these: eating smaller but more frequent meals brushing your teeth and using mouthwash several times a day chewing sugarless gum or sucking hard sweets taking frequent, small sips of water.

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