Are u mummies having insomnia?
I am now close to 6 weeks pregnant and I often have insomnia at night. Last night can't sleep for the whole night. Just wanted to know is this common?

Experiencing it right now, i usually dont have problems falling asleep but have been waking up around 5am these few days with stomach churning and need to eat something and go to the loo. Felt a bit better after going for my first gynae visit but the constant waking up still remains everyday.
Yess and itll get worst during 2nd/3rd trim whereby youll wake up almost every 1-2 hrs just to pee. And all sleeping position is uncomfortable due to your baby bump
I experienced insomnia when i was pregnant my first child from 8 weeks. And currently 6 weeks, also experiencing the same thing. So i think it might be common.
Yeah pretty common I have insomnia at my last lap of pregnancy. Previously doesn't but this time I can't sleep like literally everyday.
Currently experiencing this. 7 weeks and I just can’t sleep. 🥲 Worst I gotta wake up with my 1 year old in the morning. 🥲