Antenatal Courses

I notice KKH provides either 4 session (Weekdays) $230 or 1 session (Weekend) $300 antenatal courses. I am thinking of going for the 1 Session (Weekend) course to save time -but I’m wondering if the contents covered will be as in-depth? Separately, I also saw this provider My First Love doing 1 day crash course at $198 -anyone attended this before? Is it as comprehensive as the one by KKH?

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Super Mum

Hi mama, I conduct private antenatal classes and after having experienced conducting many crash courses, I’ve found that most parents find it overwhelming because there’s so much information to digest. Pace yourself and do one that’s spaced out. Most antenatal classes offer 4 sessions of 3 hours each I believe. Let me know if you’d like to discuss options. Of course, no obligations

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