I need to travel 2 days overseas without my baby . How to deal if I need to pump my milk?understand not allow to take breast milk while airport checkin. Please advise.

I would say it is very much dependent on the security check by each of the countries. There don't seemed to have one standard policy for breastmilk. Just recently got back from Germany, the experience I was that they accept the fact that it is breastmilk. A letter from your Gynae stating you are still breastfeeding and birth cert of your baby may help when requested. Always check and inform the officer at the check in counter and also let the security officer know you have breastmilk. Over in Singapore, I was informed that I need to have EBM inside the cooler bag in order for me to bring it across. So I did so with less than 100ml as it was my first time just to be safe. Usually they are ok if it is breastmilk. Hope it helps.
Read moreHand luggage you're not allowed to bring in more than 100mls, you can pump after you've passed custom and security, and when you land, put it into your checked in bag (I.e. The bag that goes under the plane). Although be careful if you're transiting through another airport, you may have to go through security check, and if you're carrying more than 100mls they will make you throw it away. Hope this helps
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How do u keep it frozen in check in (perhaps for 2-3hrs)? And how much is allowed in chiller bag when entering Sg?
The bag you check into under the plan you can put as much in as you want
You can hand carry breast milk. I have done it plenty of times :)
Household goddess of 4 fun loving son