4 Replies

if you still feel the pain there are chances that it will worsen when you are pregnant. please consult a doctor and if required visit a physiotherapist as well. it will help you reduce and prevent the pain. when you are pregnant, your body will grow and add a lot of pressure on your back, and it can trigger and worsen the pain that you already feel. so make sure you are completely healed before you plan to conceive.

i think it is best you consult a doc and get yourself fully healed first. during pregnancy, your body will grow heavier, and will cause a lot of pressure and stress on the back. it will result in a lot of back pain, and if you are already suffering from the same, it will make it really worse. please speak to the doc.

I never really have back pain during pregnancy tho I gained abt 20+kg. But if u are having some pains here n there, I think there is a good chance that u may also be more susceptible to it when pregnant. Best to fully heal, strengthen back muscles etc before pregnant. Practice good posture etc

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