Hair treatment
Hi all I would like to ask is it ok to do hair treatment (k gloss) im at 15 weeks . I did ask my gynea last few weeks. She say she not sure 😓 Can mummies share ur inputs please.. Thank you😘
I’ve read several articles by medical researchers / gynaes that hair chemical treatments or such won’t affect pregnancy as it doesn’t penetrate through the bloodstream etc. but if you’re weary then better not☺️
my husband wun even allow me to enter the hair salon in case I had to breathe in some hair spray/colourant chemicals...
as long as there's chemical involved, i won't suggest you do it. not worth the risk.
if got chemical or herb or head massage or electric zap try not to bahx..
I did mucota. That one generally safe. For others I’m not sure.
best not to. is it worth risking the pregnancy?
I did it at week 21.
Hi, u did k gloss also ?