May I know which private school give phonics class? My lo is 4 years old now. Need to send her phonics class.

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I've read positive reviews for Jan & Elly. The teachers are engaging. Children seemed to enjoy and are enthusiastic about going for class. They cater to children from 4 to 6 years old and offer three tiers of level under their reading programme. You can contact them for a centre visit to find out more, and could also schedule an assessment session to find out which level is most suitable for your child.

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Have you tried out zoo-phonics? They have the 5 learning styles approach. Seeing, hearing, touching, moving and speaking. You need not have to worry, for all kinds of learners are welcomed. No one will be left out. Not only that, they have a couple of locations ons too which means more options! Hope this would help.

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I sent my kid to private lesson with certified phonics teacher. She stay at Sengkang. My kid has been with her for 1 year plus, can see improvement. Had recommended to my Frens too who also goes to her for lesson. I had sent my kid to Mind Stretcher before but not so good. And this is 1 to 1 lesson or the most 1 to 2. Planning to send my coming 3yrs 2nd kids do to her soon.

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2y ago

Hi Mummy, mind sharing the contact of the private certified phonics teacher?

Other more reputable ones but may be costly: 1) Learning Point 2) Lorna Whiston Taught by Native speakers: - L Central - British Council (not pure phonics but they incorporate phonics in their English Programme) Many other local schools: - Kent Ridge - Mindstretcher - Learning Lab - Mindchamps (part of their reading Programme)

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I send my eldest boy to I can read... I send him to Civic centre... not bad... quite good and help him alot.... can go try...

VIP Member

L central. I sent my daughter there and she learned to read v quickly!


hi mummies, anymore phonics school? cos I need to compare the prices


Where is L central?

3y ago

You can visit to find out the various locations.