May I know if it's ok to colour the hair and do keratin if I'm breastfeeding my baby? As my baby rejects bottle, I got to bring him along for my hair appointment and I can't pump and dump. Appreciate your suggestions how I can go about doing it. Thanks!

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I know of many mums that colour their hair while still breastfeeding. personally I think it's really up to your own comfort level. According to the american pregnancy association "Although no data is available on women receiving hair treatments while breastfeeding, it is known that little of the chemicals would actually be absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, the chance of them entering the milk and posing a risk to an infant would be unlikely." ( As for keratin treatment, I will hold off until I'm completely off breast feeding or at least when I can pump and dump as I prefer not to have lo stuck at the hairdresser for so long. Lots of chemicals, noise etc etc

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8y ago

maybe best to double check with your stylist if it's safe.

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U can do mucota treatment which is safe for preg n breastfeeding. Not only it's gd for the hair, the hair will naturally become straighter

8y ago

It has been in sg for a period of time already. Quite a number of salons have this. However, headlines hairdressing is the first to bring the technology in. U can check out