9 Replies

Thanks mommies for the sharing / advices and suggestions! 🥰 Initially I didnt wanted powder too for fear of baby breathing in the minute particles... But also feeling stuck cos sg weather is so hot! Not sure if lotion will be sticky for baby's skin.. Sorry ftm so really clueless! 😅

VIP Member

Pds usually recommend against powder due to the use of talc as the main ingredient. If you insist on powder, do check if corn starch is the main ingredient instead

Super Mum

Honestly I haven’t used powder on my baby for the last almost 9 months. Haha. But I do use it on my preschooler sometimes

I also never put powder on my LOs. Some mummies prefer lotion powder instead so babies don’t breathe in the powdery substance.

Ooh awesome!! Haha shall go take a look, thanks so much! :)

VIP Member

I didn’t prepare any powder for my newborn. You can try organic powder like Gaia or California Baby.

Sure, thanks so much!

VIP Member

My CL said it clogs pores so I did not use.


I'm using pigeon baby powder

i didnt use for my LO


not necessary

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