FTM. Relatively small tummy at week 19 and anxious about next appt
I know different people may have different growth pace but it goes get stressful when people around comment that “you don’t look pregnant” “your tummy look small must eat more” cos my tummy is not as obvious as the other preg mothers. Comments like this make me worry in between my appts.. my last appt was at week 16 and the next will be in another weeks time. Doesn’t help when there’s so many information out there about stillborn etc which can’t be detected until scan Anybody encountered similar and how do you deal with it?

I'm now into week29. I'm plus sized to begin with, even before I'm pregnant, so most of my dresses and shirts are quite baggy to begin with. up till this date, I still have my mil commenting that cannot see that I'm pregnant. at the start it was quite depressing tbh. on top of everyone rooting for baby to be a boy. LO is a girl BTW... but slowly I learnt to tune it all out because everyone got something to say. most importantly is I'm healthy. baby is healthy. I feel healthy. all good for me so far. tummy has started to show a little depending on the dresses I wear.
Read moreI’m 18 weeks FTM too, and similar to you my tummy is so small I still fit in my old clothes. Even my appetite is the same as before, I’m not eating extras. My mum was the same when she was carrying me, she only started showing at around 6-7 months? So I see it as a good thing haha, it reduces the chances of stretch marks too. And please don’t start eating a lot more than usual to make the tummy more obvious, it doesn’t do u or baby good. As long as you’re eating well and eating right, really don’t worry too much!
Read moreWhen I was 20+ wks, some people comment my tummy is small, some can guess how many months I am pregnant based on tummy size, so I think it doesnt really matter, as long as gynae tells you that baby is growing well. My tummy became more obvious after 20 wks, and now it's so big... Agree that tummy small is more manageable in terms of weight and stretchmarks. I've been diligently applying stretchmark cream but they still appeared though not so serious :/
Read morePls dont worry mummy! Some barely even have bumps till the day they give birth. Some mummies suddenly the bump pop out within a day. As long as baby is healthy, everything is fine. Trust me, youll want smaller bump!! Cause lesser weight and not much stretch mark. I know the constant worry of a ftm, as we’re unsure about everything. My baby still born healthy as ever. So bump size doesnt matter!
Read moreWhen people comment that my tummy looks small, I take that as a compliment and then give my “killer reply”, afterall I know baby’s weight is normal and growing well inside. But what I like to reply people and it works damn well ok…. “Your human stay Inside HDB also must follow size is it? 😅” Other than gynae’s words, I don’t listen to others. 😊
Read morePeople will comment regardless of size. For me, people commented that I look very big haha. Big also say, small also say, so just ignore them. People probably dunno what else to say,so commenting on the size is the easiest. It's normal to feel worried in between appts,but baby will be fine. Just focus on being well and happy during this period:)
Read morehello there!I feel u.. don't bother about what others comments. I did not gain any weigh during my pregnancy nor craved for any food then. my tummy was more obvious only at week 33 jus remember, as long as ur fetus is growing well inside, that's most important! don't need to purposely eat more to gain the extra kilos
Read morei had an obvious huge bump but when my baby was born, she was small sized. And my sil had a small bump but her baby was heavier. So really, the size of bump does not matter. And especially what other ppl say. Just take it as tho dk what else to talk about yr pregnancy.
I’ve had this comments a lot so what i always do is to ignore and learn to listen to myself as long as my baby is healthy and moving and kicking I didn’t have bump yet but now I’m at 6 months I’m alrdy having a bump which is big and I’m happy with it :)
I'm at 19 weeks too and feelin the same. Mum said my belly look like hers at 12 weeks, but my aunt said till she was due, people could hardly tell she was pregnant. And that FTM tend to be smaller. So fret not, it's different for everyone. We're on a good track!