Prone to dizziness in crowded or stuffy places
I am in my 9th week now and began to feel giddy really often, especially in crowded or stuffy places. I had a blackout on the train once too. Is this normal? The weather is so hot these days, what can I do to prevent the dizziness? :(

In early pregnancy we all tend to feel light headed esp when ventilation is poor or its too warm. Try to avoid crowded places if possible till ur feeling stronger. I stayed home my first trimester to avoid all these, took walks near parks at home to feel better from the nausea all. Hope u feel better soon. Bring along an essential oil-lemon or some ointmentb u feel good inhaling.
Read moreYeah I was blacking out on the train too in my first trimester. My limit was around 30min. I cut my rides in half and get off to rest for a bit - get my head level with my heart for 5mins before taking the next train - and also try to Grab when I can. I think being double masked made it worse for me.
Read moreHydrate…drink lots of water! And try to avoid the sun and stuffy places. Eat more protein (eggs, red meat) so your body can produce more iron and blood to counter the giddiness which is likely due to low blood.
I avoid going out alone due to giddiness and black outs. Have someone accompany you and bring essential oil or ointment along when you go out. Avoid crowded places too. Try to monitor your blood pressure too .
Yes. Normal. Drink fluids. Have sweet on hand to suck on.