I heard that consumption of Alaska fish oil may improve child's myopia. Is there any basis for such consumption ?

Thank you for sending in your question! Dieting is very important, and supplements such as vitamins and blueberry is heard to be good, although, there are no medical reports or literature, with long-term studies being done, that showcase that it improves myopia. In this case, we’re specifically talking about myopia. When the eyeball has elongated, that’s when myopia has already occurred. We are unable to shorten the eyeball to reverse myopia. With that being said, these supplements may help with vision functions, despite no real studies to show that myopia will get better. There is no harm in consuming supplements and there is no harm in maintaining a healthy diet, as it makes your body better and healthier, and that will be beneficial to you in one way or another.
Read moreNot too sure about fish oil being a remedy for myopia but I heard that some people use fish oil for dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration, a very common condition in older people that can lead to serious sight problems. My late grandfather had cataracts in the last few years of his life and I remember him taking doses of fish oil everyday.
Read morehmm.. I have not heard of that. The best way to prevent or delay the progression is to take frequent breaks and cultivating good eye habits. These will help reduce the strain on the eyes. http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/childrenhealth/Pages/Childhood-Myopia-Tips-for-Parents.aspx