There are some mummies whose placentas do move upwards away from the cervical opening later in the pregnancy, but not all. For now, if you have no bleeding, do try not to over-exert yourself, and you may wanted to avoid intercourse for the time being. Some mummies with placenta praevia and bleeding might be put on bed rest. If your placenta continues to cover the cervical opening, it would mean that you cannot safely have a vaginal delivery. In that case, you would need a Caesarean section, done under epidural or general anaesthesia. I apologise that I do not know the exact cost, but I think the hospital stay could potentially be $10,000? (C-section mummies may stay in the hospital longer) If your condition persists, ask your gynae to send you for financial counseling so that you can know the hospital’s breakdown of pricing before the delivery time comes. Take care of your health and baby, dear ❤️