What food to give gassy baby
Hi i have 7 months+ LO and still having gassy stomach. I wonder any of the mummies here still have gassy baby same age as mine. I tried giving him solid like frisocream but after that he cant sleep. Anyone experience the same? What food should i start with? Thanks

tried not to give food when it's cold. best to serve when warm it will help them in their gassy tummy. choose the right food to give try giving fruits too.
I read that broccoli gives baby gas! Not sure how true but my LO has no issue with it. Probably give him some probiotics to build his gut health
Hi, Some of the vegetables cause gas in babies' tummy. Please start feeding more fruits to your baby and also avoid giving them cold food
yes some veg will cause gas in babies. can probably start off with green peas, carrots, apples, pears puree. 😊