Bye Baby #2

I had lost my baby for good...Baby was at 8 weeks + 1 but stopped growing at 7 weeks and no heart beat for the past few days.I am having what the Dr termed as "missed miscarriage" or "spontaneous abortion".Now I am just bleeding like having periods until the remaining clots are out for the next 10 days.Physically I looked ok but emotionally I am at a wreck to see my pad full of blood because that's my baby that I am looking at...?????

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I had the pregnancy tissue + amniotic sac with the 8 weeks fetus out on 16th January 2020.I had labour-kind contractions before that and the fetus came out in the toilet after massive bleeding in the toilet.I went to the gynae the next day and was told there's some blood clots left to be released in the next few days.Its been 9 days since I had the whole fetus out and emotionally I am...towards healing my emotions...I do cry whenever I see my folic acid...I do cry whenever I see my 'baby check-up' bag...😢But I know I will be okay eventually...Thank you all for the encouraging words on my initial post...🙂

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4y ago

I hope for the best for you...Please stay safe and be strong...💐