Harmony test - to do or not to do
Hi all, I just got my Oscar result and I’m 1:1,900 (can’t remember the exact numerical) and low risk. However, my hubby has a younger brother with Down Syndrome so Gynae is pushing for a harmony test even though she states it’s optional. Hubby’s older brother went on to have two healthy boys with no issues. Should we go ahead with the test?

It all depends on ultimately what yall want. If the results matter so much I will straightaway do amniocentesis instead of harmony. Bcos if harmony shows unfavourable results, u will be again presented with e choice of doing this invasive test to confirm e diagnosis. If the results don't matter, then i will just stop at that.
Read moreoscar is not very accurate.. you can do harmony has higher accuracy. since its recommended by the doc, mayb you shld go for it, since its just blood test.. its maybe $1.1k?
Yes we are thinking about it and I guess we will do the test after all! Thanks for your opinion
If you are still gonna keep the baby regardless of the outcome then don’t need to do it.
I am/will but I think we will do it after much discussion! Thanks for your opinion
will the result affect your decision of keeping the child? if no don't need do.
I thought of not going ahead since I’m relatively happy with a low risk results but I guess we’ll do it for a peace of mind after all. Thanks for your opinion!
If i am in your situation I will do harmony test
We should be doing it after discussion! Thanks for your opinion
Just do it at KKH ($750), to buy you assurance.
Ohhh... the $750 is not subsidy rate (as harmony test is not subsidy) maybe you check with KKH if you can do your test there🤔🤔
Got a bun in the oven