4 Replies

Super Mum

Dont worry! It could be too early in your pregnancy. I had the same thing, did a transvaginal scan & couldnt find GS. Doc then suggested I do 2 blood tests on 2 consecutive days to check if my HCG levels were rising. After which I went back for another scan in 3 weeks, and there we saw the lil heartbeat... Blood test is more accurate esp during the early weeks of pregnancy... Jiayou! :)

Can i do the same thing? I must do blood test first before undergo ultrasound?

I have same. Dr even told me that the pregnancy isnt cnfm yet and have to see aftr 3 weeks to check again. No blood test or anything. Even told me she dont know if itll progress or what.

Sometimes it's hard to detect the sac and some gynae won't even try to do ultrasound and go straight to blood test as it's more accurate. Don't give up hope. Wait patiently and have faith.

I feel hopeful when you comment here. Thank u. I will be patience this time. I just like to tell my mom now that i am pregnant but its not yet confirm since GC cant see in ultrasound

No worries. We are the same. I just went to gyne but the ultrasound cant find it. But i didnt do blood test. Should i do blood test?

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