1st pregnancy at the age of 44
Hi i am first time pregnant at the age of 44. Should i be worry of the high risk?

I hope you're not panicking too much from everyone telling you it's a high risk pregnancy! Stay calm, hopeful and positive! 😍 You're actually lucky! I know of people this age who have tried for many years and have given up. Take good care and seek assuring advice from a good gynae! :)
It will be higher risk, but with a good gynae, more mindful of your diet, some daily light exercise and less stress, it definitely will be better. I just gave birth to my 1st baby and i am 39. I did all the additional screenings that my gynae adviced, and my boy came out at 38++ wks. :)
Yes of course you should. cause when I know I am pregnant at age 42, I immediately quit my job and take care of my new born baby as she is a "gift from God" 🙏🏻
hey, we are the same age and preggers. Everyone says its High Risk but jus do the best that we can and trust the process.
ya high risk. i personally advise u to do the panorama test to find out the genetic information, downs syndrome & etc if possible
44 is a high risk pregnancy, make sure to have an OB who specializes high risk pregnancy cases :)