Baby’s weight
I am a first time mommy. I am at my 28 weeks pregnant and my baby’s weight is 1.25kg. I am quite worried. Is it something that I need to be worried of? Can anyone share with me your experience?

All these measurements using the ultrasound are just a rough estimate and most often are not accurate at all. At week 40 I was told that my boy was 3.6kg but he came out weighing 3.3kg via normal vaginal delivery. Don’t worry about the size and weight, mummy! There’s other things to be concerned about. 😊
Read moreBaby growing well is a good thing! My baby was 925g at 25 weeks so he’s on the bigger side (90th percentile) but since I don’t have gestational diabetes and I only gained 3.5kg, doctor isn’t concerned. Speak to your gynae and they will advise u ❤️
Please take note all scan measurements are an estimate. It is still within a healthy range and if doc does not share any concerns, I think you shouldn't worry at all. As long baby is healthy.
Eat durian l, really helps a lot, and is quite healthy too, don’t scared that durian not good for baby. Actually is very good
im a first time mum too and im wondering how u know the weight of your baby? i was never told baby's weight before.
usually if u go for scan doc will inform u if there is anything concerning like too small or too big
why worry! it’s still too early to tell. don’t be too worried