You can choose which ever is nearer to your home. For me both good however depend on your choice. Having said that, if there's complications on the other hand or anything pertaining womens inner health then it is best KKH. Anything below 20 weeks will be direct to OB&G Urgent KKH for review, observation and if needed ultrasound. Dont go to GP because they cannot do much as they dont have much facilities or equipment to check on you.
If you are unwell, you can visit urgent O&G which is 24h. I went to the urgent O&G 3 weeks ago when I was 12 weeks as I was vomiting nonstop and was dehydrated. Was asked to admit for IV drip and I’m feeling a lot better now.
Go KKH O&G.. I was also feeling nausea, vomiting & unable to keep food n water esp for my 2nd & 3rd pregnancy. I was hospitalized due to dehydration. Felt a lot better after that.