SGH subsidized patient
I am currently with SGH and just receive thr pink card. During the first trimester, i was given an ultrasound order form for my next visit so they can scan my baby. However after receiving the pink card, i was not given the order form for ultrasound. I also just received my next appt for doctor's consult but no ultrasound appt timing. Is this usual? Will i still get the scan on my visit at the gynae?

hi there, they will give sms for your next appointments onwards and it will indicate what time and date. life hacks!!! if u received 2 sms at one go means u have ultrasound and consultation by gynae so two appointments at one day. if u receive only 1 then its only consultation but pls do turn up for all your appointments because there will be blood tests in the upcoming appointments. etc etc dont worry mummy!
Read moreI’m a subsidised patient at SGH also. Usually the gynae will change for every visit but I am lucky that my gynae remains the same. She does the ultrasound checks for me every visit without any ultrasound slips. So don’t worry. The gynae will always usually perform the ultrasound to check on baby.
hi. can i know what's the doctor name?
If u have received the sms for ur next appointment but u don’t hv the order form but they did say u’re going for an ultrasound, dont worry, just let them know after u register and before or after u’ve taken ur weight and ur BP, let the nurse they know so they can reprint it for u.
Subsidized patient don’t scan every time we go for doctor visit, if nothing unusual happen. More like alternate visit scanning after week20. If u r worry can always double check with doctor, they will advice u.