Anomaly scan and ultrasound
Any mummies who went on did anomaly scan? I was given the option and will be having an ultrasound for my next visit (at 20 wks). Any advice to do anomaly scan? #advicepls

It’s a scan for all 20weeks preggies. You will know the gender of the baby & check for heart rate, blood flow, kidneys, arm & leg structures, 🧠, eyes, nose bridge, 👄, etc..
I say it’s quite an important scan. Besides knowing the gender, It checks whether your baby is developing well, are the organs forming well, is the growth okay? So better do it
anomaly scan all mummies will get to do because that is when they will let you know the gender of your baby (they will ask if you wanna know) & check baby's body parts.
I am doing my scan on Monday and yes ☺️ you should do it. Its mainly to check if there’s any physical abnormalities in your baby. Hope this helps
It’s the most important scan as they see ur baby parts formed or not , and also the babies gender can see clearly as well ..
You’re get to see your baby in greater detail during the anomaly scan. :) Like their fingers, heart, lungs, etc. :)