The day i tested positive using clear blue digital, i went down to polyclinic to get referral for subsidised patient at kkh. Poly will do urine test and give you a referral form. Go to the counter, they will booked for you appointment at hospital you requested. Went for first scan at 6 weeks to confirmed the pregnancy and Was told to come back for a repeat scan in 3 weeks time as baby still small to decide due date.
if you want to be a subsidised patient, go to polyclinic to get referral letter instead then appointment will be fixed for you by the polyclinic.. if you prefer private gynae, you can call the clinic or hospital directly to book your preferred gynae and fix appointment.. be prepared that visible pregnancy usually around week 8 onwards.. but good to get yourself check before that to make sure the pregnancy is ok
Go poly for referral if you plan to go under subsidised route. If private, you can go straight to the hospital preferred.
i was 6 weeks when i went to gynae. we saw the little bub. :)