Easily get hungry esp at night
I am currently 9 weeks 5 days pregnant. I easily get hungry, esp at night, I can't sleep well because of the hunger, anyone has the similar issue? How you deal with it?

yess me too.. im on my 10th week now.. my mom told me to put biscuit or bread in my room.. she also packed for me dried apricot coz its sweet and easy to eat.. as I'm still staying at my in law, its hard to cook middle of the night.. I also have cup noodles but don't eat that too much..
I have the same problem too! Try eating light snack at night like biscuit, crackers, bread etc. Otherwise I will drink sips of water which works for me!
I have the same hunger issue too! Especially after getting up to pee. I’ll grab a light snack and tiny sips of water
I'm at week 9 day 3 also.. every few hour I feel hungry.. super scary.. digestive biscuit is good for supper
Eat to satisfy the hunger crave
Got a bun in the oven