Anxiety and pregnant
I am currently 32 weeks pregnant. I am going through a rough phase with my husband. Everyday was like I screamed, cried whole day, having anxiety. Will it affect my baby?

I attended a talk recently and there has been evidence based research that mummy’s mood (depression or anxiety disorders, even mild symptoms) does affect baby in the womb such that it alters baby’s brain structure, not in a good way of course. I don’t mean to scare you but it will be best if you get yourself some professional or emotional support so that you can have a good experience as a new mummy. I am pregnant 8months now and I find that I’m more susceptible to rages and sadness but I do ensure I ground myself and resolve whatever unhappiness I have with hubby as fast as I can. Sometimes it takes longer than other times…but I am definitely more mindful that I don’t spiral out of control. I also talk to my friends (who are in the mental health industry). There’s a lot of help out there if you truly try to reach out. And if you don’t want to get professional help, at least find yourself a good and healthy outlet. I personally recommend going for nature walks or go for a swim - it works for me cos there’s something about nature sounds or “white noise” from the pool that helps calm the body. Communicating well with hubby is likely what’s needed the most but this is easier said than done…not sure what kind of situation you are in with hubby but do try to talk out the situation with a unbiased person for clarity! Sometimes talking to even the wisest friends about marriage issues may not give the best solutions (my personal experience). Best of luck mummy you are not alone!
Read moreWhile I can’t advise if it will affect baby, they can certainly feel your emotions.