Can my 4 month old baby eat purée or taste fruits?
I am curious as I have been hearing that I should feed my baby purée and let her taste fruits. I’m confused. Help a sis out thank you ❤️

Hello i am infant educarer and usually in preschool we start to give infants at the age of 6 months. But it depends on the parents as well. If you want to start early, you can ask doctor first for advice. Usually once the baby neck is stable and they can sit on bamboo chair, should be fine to give them pure. If you want to start giving your child food. Try one at a time. Feed cereal first to see any allergy reaction. If one month is fine then can start trying fruit. Try to introduce one food/fruit for a week or two or a month so that you can see your child’s allergy reaction. Hope this helps.
Read moreI gave my bb cereal during 5mth. I tried giving puree from brands but he doesn’t want and i tasted the puree it doesn’t really taste or smell nice lol maybe asian babies don’t like such food hahahahahha. Can try to explore, give abit for tasting and see their reaction?
I would wait till at least 5.5m or when she can sit well with assistance. Also if I were to start, I would start with rice cereal over fruits. No hurry, they have a whole lifetime to eat 😜 By then you’ll be stressing what to cook everyday already hahah.
My son , i let him taste certain fruits only at 4 mnths . And puree only single flavours . I start to mix a little baby rice powder into into formula at 4 mnths too .
Thank you for sharing! I am learning still. The baby rice, are you referring to nestum?
We started very early with the tasting. Licking a food to get used to flavors is very different from eating it.
I suggest wait for another 2-3 months for the baby to have a stronger bowl system
Pls start feeding any other foods except milk only after 6 months.
Thank you for the enlightenment
i only started well over 6mo... rather err on side of caution
I’d wait until Baby turns 6 months at least.
Recommend to wait till 6 months at least
Alright thank you